May 2, 2011

My room

At DUWO center (student housing company) they provide me all informations, city map, necessities for my room etc... + free caffe! They were very kind. I'm living in a student complex in the city of Amstelveen which belong to a part of the metropolitan area of Amsterdam. My mini appartment (room) is distant only 10 min by bike from Vrije University where I am a visiting PhD student. However you can choose also tram nr. 5 and metro nr 51.
My room is situated in a very old building (Intermezzo) not very nice and pretty dirty. The room is enough big for me. As you can see in one of the following pictures the entrance in my room is from outside! You first enter in the building, then on the first floor you need to go out again and from outside you can enter the rooms...
The first day I spent to clean and disinfect it because I think nobody cleans this room for months: I even found old panties!
From my room I can see a buliding site. Bleah!

Inside Intermezzo


Some pictures of my room:

The entrance!

Ok ok I was lazy...

The studio

The kitchen

The super mini bathroom

The mega dining room
In the next aerial map the complex of the student houses (DUWO):

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