May 12, 2011

Holidays in Belgium

For easter holidays Natalia and me were invited in Brussels (French: Bruxelles, Dutch: Brussel) by our cousins Ivo Kašeta, Cecile and Stephanie. The trip was nice in the train but I realize that even in so perfect country the train can be late even for more then two hours. I was so angry that for the occasion I change Netherlands name in Neanderthals.

The holidays were very nice especially because of great hospitality we recived. Many thanks to Ivo and Cecile!!!

Brussels with its 1,8 milion inhabitants is the de facto capital of Belgium and of the European Union (EU). Here some photos of Brussels:
Manneken Pis

We enjoy very the city of Bruges and Oestende too. The historic city of Bruges is a prominent World Heritage Site of UNESCO. We spent in this Venice of North wonderful moments:

Stephanie & Natalia
Oestende, North sea

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